ssfk.exe Removal
What is ssfk.exe?
ssfk.exe is a file that can be found in the SFK folder in Program Files. It is known that this file belongs to a browser hijacker. In most cases, specialists associate it with,, and other hijackers. Thus, if you have already noticed a file ssfk.exe and it is signed by Beijing Xingyunwang Technology Co. Ltd, there is no doubt that you have a browser hijacker on board. You have to erase it in order to delete ssfk.exe. Unfortunately, the ssfk.exe removal is not an easy task because browser hijackers cannot be erased via Control Panel in most cases. Do not worry; we will explain you how you can do that and we will also provide you with the removal instructions.
What does ssfk.exe do?
Research has shown that ssfk.exe usually ensures that you cannot delete a browser hijacker from your system. Cyber criminals do not want that you remove ssfk.exe and the browser hijacker itself because browser hijackers generate traffic to different websites. In addition, there is a possibility that the publisher receives money from pay-per-click websites. In order to drive traffic, they provide users with various third-party ads and sponsored links. After users click on them, they are redirected to other websites that are, unfortunately, not always trustworthy. As can be seen, there is no point in keeping a browser hijacker. Thus, we recommend uninstalling ssfk.exe and other files that allow this threat to work properly. Make sure that you do this as soon as possible because browser hijacker might not only expose you to threats but might also collect different kinds of information about your web browsing activities.
How did a browser hijacker enter my PC?
The main symptom that a browser hijacker is installed on your system is the modified settings of all the browsers. In other words, your homepage and search engine will be changed. In most cases, browser hijackers enter systems bundled with freeware and shareware programs, so the majority of users do not even notice how this happens. If you do not want to delete ssfk.exe and other similar files in the future, you have to be really cautious on the web and always install programs attentively. It is also very important that you install only programs which you know are 100% reliable. Security specialists also say that it is very important to acquire and install a security application on your computer.
How can I delete ssfk.exe?
It is necessary to remove ssfk.exe because it is a part of a browser hijacker. In order to successfully implement the ssfk.exe removal, you have to delete the browser hijacker which hides on your computer. You can follow our manual removal instructions for this matter, but if you feel that they do not help you much, you can scan your system with an automatic malware remover Wipersoft – It’s FREE. There are hundreds of security tools on the web, so it might be a real challenge to decide which one to install on the system. In our opinion, many free tools are untrustworthy, so it is better to invest in a really effective tool.
How can I erase ssfk.exe manually?
Windows XP
- Click the Start button.
- Select Control Panel.
- Click Add or Remove Programs.
- Select the program and click Remove.
Windows 7 and Vista
- Open the menu and select Control Panel.
- Click Uninstall a program.
- Right-click on the program and Uninstall it.
Windows 8
- Right-click on the lower-left corner and click Control Panel.
- Click Uninstall a program.
- Select the unwanted program.
- Click the Uninstall button.
Internet Explorer
- Open your browser and tap Alt+T.
- Select Manage Add-ons and open Toolbars and Extensions.
- Select the extension.
- Click Remove.
Mozilla Firefox
- Open your browser and tap Ctrl+Shift+A.
- Select Extensions.
- Find the unknown extension and remove it.
Google Chrome
- Open your browser and tap Alt+F.
- Select Tools.
- Open Extensions.
- Click on the extension and click the recycle bin button.
Site Disclaimer is not sponsored, affiliated, linked to or owned by malware developers or distributors that are referred to in this article. The article does NOT endorse or promote malicious programs. The intention behind it is to present useful information that will help users to detect and eliminate malware from their computer by using WiperSoft and/or the manual removal guide.
The article should only be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions provided in the article, you agree to be bound by this disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the article will aid you in completely removing the malware from your PC. Malicious programs are constantly developing, which is why it is not always easy or possible to clean the computer by using only the manual removal guide.