Remove ads

Remove ads is a deceptive website that tries to trick users into allowing desktop ads. To do this, the site misuses a legitimate browser feature, which is why you’ll get a browser alert saying “ wants to show notifications” when you get redirected to the site. If you click “Allow”, you’ll allow the site to show ads on your desktop. Those ads could also expose you to potentially malicious content, including scams and malware.



The reason you see ads from when you grant it notifications permission is that the site is a scam. If you find yourself redirected to it, a video player may start playing but abruptly stop after about 10 seconds. You’ll then see a prompt telling you to click “Allow” on the “ wants to show notifications” alert to continue watching the video. For those who understand how this feature works, this request won’t make much sense. If you permit these notifications, the only thing that will happen is you will start receiving potentially harmful ads on your desktop. It’s best to avoid interacting with them, as they could lead to scams or malware.

In contrast, notifications from legitimate sites can be safe and even useful. If there’s a website you frequent and want to keep updated with its content, you can allow notifications without worry. You can easily revoke this permission whenever you no longer want to receive them.

If you frequently get redirected to or similar sites, it’s advisable to scan your computer with WiperSoft or another anti-virus program, as your system could be affected by adware. You should also install an adblocker program.

Why are you being redirected to questionable sites

Random redirects to dubious websites can often indicate an adware infection, but that’s not always the case. If you get redirected while visiting a questionable, ad-heavy site, the problem may lie with that site itself. An adblocker program would help in this case as it would automatically close pop-up windows or block them from appearing altogether.

In cases where adware is the trigger, you may find yourself redirected even when on safe websites. Adware is typically a less serious infection because its main objective is to bombard you with advertisements rather than cause direct harm to your device. Many adware programs and browser hijackers sneak onto users’ systems through a method known as software bundling. They usually come bundled with popular free programs as optional offers that are set to be installed without explicit consent. What’s more, the offers are hidden to prevent users from opting out.

To avoid unwanted junk, choose Advanced (Custom) settings when installing programs. This will reveal any additional offers bundled with the program and allow you to deselect them. It’s a good idea to uncheck all offers, even if they appear beneficial at first glance. Any program that employs software bundling for installation should be treated with caution, as it uses deceptive methods to bypass your permission.

How to remove notifications

If you’ve granted the site permission to display notifications, follow the instructions below to revoke it. Since it’s probably not your intention to receive ads on your desktop, it’s best to remove from your list of authorized sites as soon as possible. In the future, make sure to only allow notifications from reliable websites.

  • For Mozilla Firefox: Open the menu (the three bars top-right corner) -> Options -> Privacy & Security. Scroll down to Permissions, press Settings next to Notifications, and remove and any other questionable websites. You can permanently turn off these notification requests by checking the “Block new requests asking to allow notifications” box in the same Notifications settings.
  • For Google Chrome: Open the menu (the three dots top-right corner) -> Settings -> Privacy and security -> Site Settings. Click on Notifications under Permissions, and remove and any other questionable websites. You can stop these notification requests permanently by toggling off “Sites can ask to send notifications”.
  • For Microsoft Edge: Open the menu (the three dots top-right corner) -> Settings -> Cookies and site permissions -> Notifications. Review which sites have permission and remove and any other questionable websites. You can permanently turn off these notification requests by toggling off “Ask before sending”.

To check if adware is causing redirections to sites like, we suggest scanning your computer with WiperSoft. If it turns out that adware isn’t the issue, it’s recommended to be more cautious about the websites you visit and consider installing an adblocker program.

Site Disclaimer is not sponsored, affiliated, linked to or owned by malware developers or distributors that are referred to in this article. The article does NOT endorse or promote malicious programs. The intention behind it is to present useful information that will help users to detect and eliminate malware from their computer by using WiperSoft and/or the manual removal guide.

The article should only be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions provided in the article, you agree to be bound by this disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the article will aid you in completely removing the malware from your PC. Malicious programs are constantly developing, which is why it is not always easy or possible to clean the computer by using only the manual removal guide.

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