Remove InstantQuest browser hijacker

Remove InstantQuest browser hijacker

InstantQuest is a browser hijacker that makes unwanted changes to a browser’s settings. If you’re suddenly redirected to when you try to initiate a search, your computer is infected with a browser hijacker. Fortunately, it’s not a dangerous infection. However, it will try to redirect you to sponsored websites, some of which could be malicious. Thus, if you notice this hijacker, remove InstantQuest as soon as possible.




The InstantQuest browser hijacker is not a severe infection and should not directly harm your computer. However, it can be quite bothersome as it makes unwanted changes to browser settings, essentially taking over the browser. This is done so the hijacker can redirect you to sponsored websites and generate revenue. This, at least, makes the infection very obvious, which allows users to deal with it quickly.

If your computer is infected with this hijacker, you will notice changes to the browser’s settings, specifically a different site set as your homepage and new tabs. It sets as the default search engine and affects popular browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. These changes are irreversible while the hijacker is present because the hijacker enables the “Managed by your organization” feature. The hijacker is misusing a legitimate feature that allows companies to manage employees’ browsers more easily. However, when used by a browser hijacker, it blocks users from making setting changes.

The primary aim of a browser hijacker is to redirect users to sponsored websites by forcing users to use dubious search engines that insert links to those sites into the search results. In this case, is the promoted search engine. It’s advisable not to click on any of the results, as they could lead to websites that promote scams or conceal malware.

Browser hijackers also engage in intrusive data collection, and InstantQuest may track your browsing activities, search queries, and IP address, with the possibility of sharing this information with third parties. Since browser hijackers offer no useful features, there’s no reason to tolerate their behavior or data collection practices. It’s best to remove InstantQuest browser hijacker from your computer as soon as possible. While manual removal is an option, we recommend using WiperSoft as it will do everything for you.

How did InstantQuest browser hijacker install on my device?

In many instances, users install infections such as browser hijackers and adware without even realizing it. This happens because of a method known as software bundling. The method involves adding certain infections (e.g. adware, browser hijackers) to popular free programs as extra offers. Although these offers are optional, they are set to install automatically alongside the program without requiring users’ explicit permission. Despite being technically optional, these offers must be manually deselected to prevent their installation. Users often struggle to do this as the offers are concealed in settings that many users don’t use, making software bundling a deceptive installation method.

Preventing these unwanted offers from installing is not difficult if you pay attention when installing free programs. When prompted, make sure to opt for Advanced (Custom) settings instead of Default. Although the installation window recommends using Default settings, following that advice will authorize all added offers to install alongside the program. Opting for Advanced settings will make the offers visible and allow you to deselect them by unchecking the boxes.

It is strongly advised to deselect all added offers, even if some of them initially seem useful. Legitimate programs do not use this installation method, and programs that do should not be allowed to install. Furthermore, programs that do are often flagged as potential threats by anti-virus programs. Unless you want to clutter your computer with difficult-to-remove junk programs, uncheck all boxes of these extra offers when installing programs.

Some browser hijackers are promoted as useful extensions, as is the case with InstantQuest. These disguised infections are commonly found on free download sites, which is why it is important to research programs before installing them. Simply using a search engine like Google to verify the safety of a program is often enough. If at least one result indicates that the program is potentially unwanted or malicious, do not install it.

InstantQuest browser hijacker removal

Browser hijackers are usually not considered to be serious infections because they do not directly damage the computer. However, they can be tricky to remove manually, so we recommend that you use the anti-virus program WiperSoft to remove InstantQuest browser hijacker. Once the program removes the infection, your browser will return to normal. Manually trying to remove InstantQuest browser hijacker will take longer and require more effort but it is possible. Once the hijacker has been fully removed, you will be free to change your browser’s settings as usual.

Site Disclaimer is not sponsored, affiliated, linked to or owned by malware developers or distributors that are referred to in this article. The article does NOT endorse or promote malicious programs. The intention behind it is to present useful information that will help users to detect and eliminate malware from their computer by using WiperSoft and/or the manual removal guide.

The article should only be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions provided in the article, you agree to be bound by this disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the article will aid you in completely removing the malware from your PC. Malicious programs are constantly developing, which is why it is not always easy or possible to clean the computer by using only the manual removal guide.

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