Remove Clarity Tab browser hijacker

Remove Clarity Tab browser hijacker

Clarity Tab is advertised as an extension that allows you to customize your homepage but is classified as a browser hijacker. Clarity Tab allows you to add widgets to your homepage and set a browser wallpaper. While the features may seem useful, the extension is a browser hijacker that takes over the browser in order to make changes that allow it to redirect users to sponsored websites. It also has intrusive data collection practices, which can allow it to essentially spy on your online activities. Overall, while it may seem like a useful extension if you want to personalize your homepage, it’s not something you should keep installed.



Browser hijackers often use deceptive tactics to get into users’ systems unnoticed, but once installed, they become very obvious as they make changes to a browser’s settings. Even if users don’t immediately connect the changes to a hijacker, they will know that something is not right. After all, it’s difficult to notice a different site loading as the homepage, and searches going through an unknown search engine. In this case, Clarity Tab redirects all searches to Google so if that was your default search engine, that wouldn’t be something you’d notice. However, you will certainly notice your homepage/new tabs looking very different.

This hijacker is advertised as an extension that allows users to customize their homepage. It offers several widgets, like bookmarks, clocks, weather, etc. Most of the widgets can be added via the browser so such extensions are unnecessary in general. While this feature may seem useful, the main goal of this hijacker is to spy on your online activities. The hijacker redirects all searches to Google, so it’s unlikely to redirect you to sponsored websites. This leaves collecting browsing information as its main goal. Specifically, the Clarity Tab browser hijacker may track your search queries, what sites you visit, your IP address, and more. This information can then be shared with third parties for advertising purposes. Considering the Clarity Tab extension has no redeemable features, there’s no reason to put up with its intrusive data collection.

Whether you installed it purposely or not, it’s recommended to remove Clarity Tab browser hijacker. Using an anti-malware program like WiperSoft is recommended. While it is not classified as a malicious infection, using an anti-malware program is the easiest way to delete Clarity Tab.

How do browser hijackers install on a computer?

A lot of free software download sites are full of disguised browser hijackers and adware, usually promoted as useful extensions. These deceptive programs are why it’s important to research all programs you plan on downloading before you do. A quick search on Google, for example, is usually enough to assess whether a program is safe to download.

A common method by which users inadvertently install infections like browser hijackers is through software bundling. The way this method works is hijackers can be bundled with popular free programs as additional offers, which are set to install automatically without requiring users’ explicit consent. Although these offers are optional, they are hidden in settings that users typically don’t check, making it difficult to deselect them and prevent their installation. And because they’re set to install automatically, deselecting them is necessary to prevent their installations. It’s a rather deceptive installation method, and programs that use it are often detected as potential threats by anti-virus software.

If you want to deselect the offers, you need to use Advanced (Custom) settings instead of Default (Basic) when installing programs. The installation window recommends using Default settings, but doing so will result in all bundled offers being installed without your explicit permission. If you opt for Advanced settings, you’ll be able to see all offers and uncheck the ones you don’t want. It’s worth noting that legitimate programs typically don’t use such misleading installation methods, so allowing junk to install won’t provide any real benefit.

Although these bundled offers may seem useful at first, installing them will likely clutter your computer with unnecessary programs. Removing these unwanted applications can be quite frustrating, while it’s relatively simple to uncheck a few boxes during the installation process.

Remove Clarity Tab browser hijacker

Browser hijackers are generally not considered to be complex infections, but it’s still recommended to use an anti-virus program like WiperSoft to remove Clarity Tab browser hijacker. These types of infections can be quite stubborn, so it’s best to opt for automatic removal. After successfully removing the hijacker, you should be able to adjust your browser settings as normal.

Site Disclaimer is not sponsored, affiliated, linked to or owned by malware developers or distributors that are referred to in this article. The article does NOT endorse or promote malicious programs. The intention behind it is to present useful information that will help users to detect and eliminate malware from their computer by using WiperSoft and/or the manual removal guide.

The article should only be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions provided in the article, you agree to be bound by this disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the article will aid you in completely removing the malware from your PC. Malicious programs are constantly developing, which is why it is not always easy or possible to clean the computer by using only the manual removal guide.

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