Remove Bookmarks Button adware

Remove Bookmarks Button adware

Bookmarks Button extension is classified as an adware infection. It’s advertised as an extension that makes using bookmarks more convenient but it’s classified as adware due to its behaviour. If it gets installed on your computer, it will start spamming ads almost immediately. If you find it installed on your device, you need to remove Bookmarks Button sooner rather than later to avoid a more serious infection because you could be exposed to malicious ads.




Bookmarks Button is advertised as a tool for more convenient access to bookmarks. The functionality of this tool is questionable in itself because all browsers offer already convenient access to bookmarks, there’s no need to use an additional tool. The extension also spams ads to generate revenue. If it’s installed on your computer, you may notice an increase in not only regular ads but also seemingly random redirects.

Besides being very annoying, adware-generated ads can also expose you to questionable or even dangerous content. Specifically, you could be exposed to sites promoting scams or hiding malware. For example, adware is known to display tech support scams, which show fake virus alerts and prompt users to call provided phone numbers for assistance in removing the supposed infection. However, these calls connect users to scammers who pretend to work for legitimate companies like Microsoft or Apple. The scammers then request remote access to the computer, steal personal information and files, and demand payment for services users neither need nor actually receive.

Another thing to mention is adware infections’ tendency to have intrusive data collection practices. For example, Bookmarks Button adware may collect information related to your browsing habits, including the sites you visit, your search history, and your IP address. This information would also likely be shared with third parties. There is no reason to tolerate this kind of data collection from programs like Bookmarks Button, especially since they do not offer anything in return. Bookmarks Button is entirely useless to you.

It is recommended to use an anti-virus program like WiperSoft to remove Bookmarks Button adware because the infection can be quite persistent. Once the infection is removed, your browsing will return to normal, without intrusive ads or random redirects.

How did Bookmarks Button adware install on my computer?

Adware and browser hijackers are typically installed in one of two ways. These infections can be disguised as useful extensions, or they may be installed through the software bundling method. In both cases, infections can be prevented quite easily.

Adware often comes bundled with a free program in what is known as the software bundling method. Here’s how it works: adware is attached as an extra offer to free programs, and these offers are added in a way that allows them to be installed without explicit permission from users. Technically, all offers are optional, but they need to be manually deselected by users to prevent their installations. However, the offers are always hidden in settings that users don’t normally use, which means the offers often go unnoticed. Software bundling as an installation method is quite controversial. It’s not uncommon for programs that use it to be flagged as potential threats by anti-virus programs.

To avoid installing unwanted programs in the future, all you need to do is pay attention during the installation process and choose the correct settings. When given the option, choose Advanced (Custom) settings instead of Default settings. The installation window will recommend that you use Default settings, but using Advanced settings will allow you to review all added offers and deselect the ones you don’t want. You simply need to uncheck the boxes. Some offers may seem useful at first, but it’s best to avoid authorizing their installations to prevent junk programs from cluttering your computer. That junk can also be troublesome to get rid of once fully installed.

Adware infections are also disguised as helpful extensions to trick users into installing them, as in the case with Bookmarks Button. It’s advertised as an extension that allows quick access to bookmarks. It’s strongly recommended that you always research programs before installing them in the future. A simple Google search can often help determine if a program is safe to download/install. Additionally, you should only download programs from safe and legitimate sources, such as official sites.

How to remove Bookmarks Button adware

Adware may not be a serious infection, but the sooner you remove Bookmarks Button adware, the quicker you can go back to normal browsing. It is recommended to use an anti-virus program like WiperSoft to delete Bookmarks Button adware. Manual removal of Bookmarks Button adware can be tricky as adware infections can be very persistent. Once the adware is no longer present, the amount of ads you see will greatly decrease.

Site Disclaimer is not sponsored, affiliated, linked to or owned by malware developers or distributors that are referred to in this article. The article does NOT endorse or promote malicious programs. The intention behind it is to present useful information that will help users to detect and eliminate malware from their computer by using WiperSoft and/or the manual removal guide.

The article should only be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions provided in the article, you agree to be bound by this disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the article will aid you in completely removing the malware from your PC. Malicious programs are constantly developing, which is why it is not always easy or possible to clean the computer by using only the manual removal guide.

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