Browser Hijackers

Lucky Site 123 Redirect Virus

What is Lucky Site 123 Virus?
Lucky Site 123 Virus is a dubious web page that may appear on your browser suddenly if you have a browser hijacker installed on your system. It will not harm your computer so do not be alarmed if it hijacks your browser. It is not a virus and merely aims to generate traffic for sponsored pages.…

Remove Lucky Site 123

About Lucky Site 123
Lucky Site 123 is a browser hijacker that must have entered your computer along with free software. You need to start paying closer attention to how you install programs because you allowed this hijacker to enter yourself. It is not malicious but it will make unwanted changes to your browser and redirect you to sponsored web pages.…

StartPageing123 Removal

What is StartPageing123?
StartPageing123 is a browser hijacker, and definitely not a genuine search provider, so if it is ever set up on browsers, go to delete StartPageing123 without further consideration. This website has been categorized as a browser hijacker because it shows up on web browsers and then changes users’ homepages and search providers to StartPageing123 without permission. After doing… Removal

About is a browser hijacker that is promoting a dubious search engine. Browser hijackers usually spread with the help of free software. They are attached to the freeware as additional items. If you install this hijacker, next time you open your browser, you will notice that your homepage has been changed. Hijackers change browser’s settings and aim to redirect…


What is
The appearance of on all web browsers indicates that a browser hijacker has entered the computer. It is a computer infection which immediately changes all browsers’ settings. It sets up itself so that it can be loaded when users open their browsers. Actually, it is not a typical browser hijacker which sets itself as a homepage, search…


What is is a browser hijacker that is identical to countless others. They all exist for the same reason and that is to generate traffic for sponsored pages and in that way make income. Your browser’s settings will be changed and the hijacker will try to redirect you. If you are wondering how this hijacker managed to install onto… Removal

What is
A yet another browser hijacker targeted towards Russian-speaking computer users,, may also appear in your browsers as Its main symptom is altered browser settings and its goal is to promote its sponsors. By generating online traffic, the hijacker’s developers make profit, while computer users are left to deal with never-ending ads, random redirects, and other disturbances. The hijacker…


What is redirects are caused by an adware program on your computer. When the random redirects start happening, you might think that malware has infected your computer but that is not the case. Adware is usually not malicious and will not harm your computer directly. However, it is not harmless. It can easily expose you to malicious content which… Removal

What is is not a trustworthy search tool even though it seems that one of its purposes is to convince users that it can be trusted. Specialists are sure that it should be called a browser hijacker instead because it tends to set itself up on browsers without receiving permission from users. Users usually quickly notice changes applied by… Removal

What is redirects are appearing on your computer because you have adware installed. The pop-ups invite users to participate in a survey to get a chance to win an iPhone 7 or Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. It is a scam created by people who want to gain your personal information. The adware must have installed onto your computer along…