What is “If you want us to be silent, read” email scam

“If you want us to be silent, read” is how a new sextortion scam campaign tries to attract your attention. An email with this subject line may land in your inbox if your email address has ever been leaked, but it is nothing more than a scam. The sender will claim that they have a private video of you watching…

Nqsq ransomware removal

Nqsq ransomware is the most recent file-encrypting malware to come from the Djvu/STOP ransomware family. The group operating this ransomware is responsible for releasing hundreds of file-encrypting malware infections, all of which can be identified by the extension they add to encrypted files. This ransomware adds .nqsq, hence why it’s known as Nqsq ransomware. At this moment in time, it’s not…

Stop Yverworkedt.xyz redirects

Yverworkedt.xyz is a very generic scam website that tries to trick you into allowing notifications on the desktop. To do that, it misuses a legitimate browser feature that allows sites to show users push notifications directly on the desktop. This is why your browser will show an alert saying “Yverworkedt.xyz wants to show notifications” when you get redirected to the…

How to delete TopADSBlockSearch browser hijacker

TopADSBlockSearch is a generic browser hijacker that will set topadsblock.com as your homepage and nearbyme.io as your default search engine. If you notice these changes done to your browser’s settings without your permission, your computer is infected with a browser hijacker. The browser hijacker will not directly harm your computer but it will try to redirect you to sponsored websites, some…

Remove Arfanbajt.xyz ads

Arfanbajt.xyz is a pretty generic website that tries to trick users into allowing ads on the desktop. It misuses a legitimate browser feature to do this, which is why your browser will show an alert saying “Arfanbajt.xyz wants to show notifications”. This feature allows websites to show push notifications on the desktop. Only instead of interesting content, sites like Arfanbajt.xyz show…

Stop Hisqueost.xyz redirects

Hisqueost.xyz is a very generic scam website that poses as an entertainment page for movie news. However, in reality, it’s an empty website pushing a social engineering scam to trick users into allowing advertisements on the desktop. When you get redirected to the site, you will see a browser notification saying “Hisqueost.xyz wants to show notifications”. If you click “Allow”,…

Delete IncognitoSearchWeb browser hijacker

IncognitoSearchWeb is a generic browser hijacker infection. Its presence is accompanied by changes to your browser’s settings. In particular, incognitosearchweb.com will be set as your homepage and nearbyme.io as your default search engine. These changes will come out of the blue and be made without your explicit permission. Fortunately, that is as far as the hijacker will directly affect your computer.…