
What is
Have you noticed as your default search provider, home page, and new tab window? Well, we have got some news for you: you have been infected with a browser hijacker, which is quite threatening. Of course, it will not download and install malware on its own (like a Trojan horse), but it still can be quite risky… – How to remove?

What is can replace your home page and default search provider without your approval. That is why it is classified as a browser hijacker. It comes as a part of a potentially unwanted or an ad-supported application that you may acquire while downloading freeware. Free software bundles are used to distribute programs that make profit for their developers, in…

Remove My Lucky 123 Virus

What is My Lucky 123?
My Lucky 123 is a simple computer infection classified as a browser hijacker by malware specialists. It is not very dangerous, and this is quite fortunate: the majority of online infections are very threatening, and the browser hijacker does not belong on this list. Nevertheless, keeping the PUP (potentially unwanted program) on your computer might do…


Что такое
Если вы постоянно сталкиваетесь с сайтом, это значит, что на вашем компьютере находится инфекция. Перенаправления на этот сайт начинаются после того, как вы скачиваете игру под названием Fallout 4 с нелегального сайта. После установки этой игры, в ваш Планировщик Заданий добавляется определенная задача, которая и является причиной появления этого сайта на вашем экране. Данная задача была добавлена в…

Remove PrintOnKey

What is PrintOnKey?
PrintOnKey is advertised as a program that can improve your online shopping experience by providing you with beneficial offers, discounts, coupons, and so on. This may seem like a useful feature to those computer users who often shop online. Unfortunately, the program does not follow through on its promises. It is classified as a potentially unwanted and an ad-supported…


What is is a very suspicious-looking website that contains tons of advertisements. If you have noticed being redirected to this site constantly, this means that you have an infection on your computer and need to remove from the PC as soon as possible. The webpage is not helpful to the user at all, even though the creators try to…

Bing Redirect Virus Removal Guide

What is Bing Redirect Virus?
If you have Bing Redirect Virus on your personal computer, you might experience various difficulties while browsing. If you already use search engine, you can get redirected to various sites that might be dangerous to visit. If you use another search provider, you can get constantly redirected to Bing results. The redirects can be totally… Removal

What is is a web page that looks completely legitimate because it says that it will provide users with healthy foods, diet plans, and other useful information for those users who try to lose some weight. Unfortunately, it also seems that belongs to a browser hijacker infection because it is capable of appearing on browsers without a user’s…