
What is is a browser hijacker that enters your computer together with a potentially unwanted program called My Recipes XP. This SaferBrowser application is not the only one of its kind: My Television XP, My Maps XP, My Weather XP, and some others all function in a similar manner. They also all come with browser hijackers. The official page…


What is is one of the most generic browser hijackers you will ever see. Designed to take over your browser options, this PUP (potentially unwanted program) will make your browsing experience insufferable. Moreover, the application will expose you to a number of Internet threats. If you do not delete as soon as you notice the program, you might… – How to remove?

What is is a browser hijacker that is aimed at Brazilian computer users. It can change your browser settings without your approval altering your home page, new tab, and default search provider. It can also cause other unwanted modifications such as inserting adverts into your visited sites, causing redirects to unknown pages, slowing down your Internet browsing speed, and…

Remove Money Viking Ads

What is Money Viking Ads?
Money Viking Ads is a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and a suspicious browser extension. It is developed by SuperWeb LLC. It functions as adware by displaying many third-party ads. The interesting thing about this PUP is that it claims to be extremely helpful to its users. On the official page it is written that the application… Removal – Remove

What is is a browser hijacker that enters your system together with a potentially unwanted program called My Radio XP. There are several other applications that belong to the same company, SaferBrowser, and that also function in a similar manner. These programs include My Classifieds XP, My Maps XP, My Games XPm My Weather XP, and more. The main…

Google Redirect Virus Removal Tool – Wipersoft

What is Google Redirect virus?
Google Redirect virus is a malicious threat that can infiltrate your system without your notice. It spreads through spam email attachments, bundled freeware, fake adverts, corrupted links, and so on. It should not be confused with browser hijackers, though some of their symptoms are very similar, because it is a much more serious infection. Google is not…

Internet Explorer Redirect Virus

What is Internet Explorer Redirect Virus?
Internet Explorer Redirect Virus is an infection which usually affects Internet Explorer browsers. Even though it is called a virus by many users, it is more likely that a browser hijacker is installed on the computers of those users who experience various unauthorized redirections when they use Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer Redirect Virus might not…


What is
Have you noticed as your default search provider, home page, and new tab window? Well, we have got some news for you: you have been infected with a browser hijacker, which is quite threatening. Of course, it will not download and install malware on its own (like a Trojan horse), but it still can be quite risky…