What is UNPUXWorker.exe

UNPUXWorker.exe is known to be one of the components of Microsoft Windows operating system. It is usually stored in C:\windowssystem32 folder, so you do not need to do anything about its presence if you have found it there. Unfortunately, malicious applications can also borrow the names of legitimate files. It does not mean that users cannot find out about that.…

What is Search.addictedtomovies.co

What is a browser hijacker?
Search.addictedtomovies.co is a browser hijacker website that will replace your homepage if you allow the hijacker to install. These installations usually happen when users use Default settings during freeware setup, and fail to notice added items. If those attached offers go unnoticed, they will be allowed to install alongside the freeware. This is not a malicious…

Tabs2Grid Adware

About this infection
Tabs2Grid is a malicious Google Chrome extension, also considered to be adware. You might have encountered the extension somewhere, thought it was useful and installed it. Or installation could have been forced on you. It could have been added to some free program that you installed, or it could have come together with some kind of malicious threat.…

Newtab-tv.com Redirect Virus Removal

The pop-ups are caused by adware
Newtab-tv.com redirects are caused by some kind of adware program. The pop-ups advertise an extension that will supposedly allow you to watch TV. The adware itself is not dangerous and will not affect your computer in a very negative way but it will get on your nerves pretty quickly. It will bombard your screen with…

Search.pikatika.com Redirect Virus

About this hijacker
Search.pikatika.com is a browser hijacker promoted site that can suddenly appear on your browser if you have a hijacker installed. It will load instead of you usual homepage so it’s quite a noticeable infection. It will not harm your computer but it will have a certain affect, like the changed browser’s settings. It will try to redirect you…

InetStat – How to remove?

What is InetStat?
InetStat is an application that allows you to check your download and upload speed. It has an official website, Interstat.eu, where you can acquire it. The program also uses the bundling distribution method to spread on the Internet. It has certain characteristics that you may find unwelcome, because it is ad-supported. The application gets added to your browsers as a…

Onclkds.com ads – How to remove?

About Onclkds.com ads
Onclkds.com ads are caused by an adware program that you accidentally installed when you were setting up freeware. It’s not a serious computer infection, although you need to be careful because in addition to it exposing you to advertisements, it could also lead you to malware. It can enter your device when you are installing freeware. If you…

Global Spam Rate Reaches a Two-Year High

Symantec’s monthly threat report has revealed that the global spam rate has reached its highest level in two years, which may be due to new malware trying to spread via emails. “This trend in malware being distributed through email seems to be catching on, with several infamous malware families recently adding functionality that allows them to spread via spam email,”…