Bitcoin Miner Virus (Trojan) – What you need to know

In this article, we are going to overview a specific form of malware that is aimed at mining online currency like Bitcoin, Dashcoin, Monero, Monero Original, and other. Unfortunately, there are plenty of threats of this type roaming the Web nowadays including such parasites as Debug.exe miner, Valhalla miner, Miner.exe, Harvest miner, CPU miner, SiaCoin miner, JS:Cryptonight miner, WaterMiner malware,…

Cybersecurity news headlines for 1-15 March 2019

Cybersecurity news headlines for 1-15 March 2019
We’re already halfway through March and while we do have three stories to report on, nothing of major impact has happened in regards to cybersecurity in the last two weeks. In this edition of cybersecurity news, we discuss a local government paying a $400,000 ransom, adware found in Android apps, and 809 million records…

5 Ways to Determine if a Website is Fake, Fraudulent, or a Scam

There are about four billion Internet users in the world. A significant percentage of these users tend to browse the Web on a daily basis. Unfortunately, along with legitimate sites, you are likely to encounter unreliable ones. Most corrupt domains are created for one purpose only: make money off of unsuspecting computer users. It is imperative to stay one step…

Cybersecurity news headlines for 15-28 February

Cybersecurity news headlines for 15-28 February
The second half of February has been a pretty quiet two weeks in terms of cybersecurity incidents, which is why this report is a short one. We’re covering just two stories: sensitive information from 11 popular apps being sent to Facebook’s server, and a huge increase in robocalls all over the world.…

Miner Trojan – How to avoid or remove them?

Short miners bio
In the recent years, Bitcoin has taken the world by storm. Anyone who watches the news has at least heard of this new crypto currency. It was created in 2009 and since then has become an electronic payment system that is used not only by regular computer users, but also by international companies and organizations. Bitcoin is created…

Cybersecurity news headlines 1-15 February

Cybersecurity news headlines 1-15 February
In this edition of cybersecurity news headlines, we talk about cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX and how they are unable to access $145 million funds, Russia’s disconnect from the internet test, Dunkin‘ Donuts credential stuffing attack, and dating app’s Coffee Meets Bagel data breach.…

Cybersecurity news headlines for 15-31 January

Cybersecurity news headlines for 15-31 January
To continue our January 2019 edition of cybersecurity news headlines, we have four stories to report on: 772,904,991 email addresses exposed in a huge collection of data, Google fined €50 million for violating GDPR, DailyMotion suffers a credential stuffing attack, and Facebook’s data collection practices hit the headlines again.…

Department of Justice prepares to take down Joanap botnet

US Department of Justice announced efforts to disrupt the Joanap botnet, known to be controlled by a hacker group with ties to the North Korean government. A court order and a search warrant obtained in October 2018 allowed the FBI and US Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) to gather information about the network of infected devices and start…