Remove “TNT Express” email

The “TNT Express” email is part of a phishing campaign that aims to steal users’ email login credentials. The email is disguised to look like a notification email from international shipping company TNT. The recipient supposedly has a package scheduled for delivery. The email has a malicious attachment, disguised as documentation related to the package. If users open the attachment, they…

Remove notifications is a scam website that shows fake virus alerts and tries to trick users into allowing ads on the desktop. The fake alert claims that you’ve visited illegal infected websites, which resulted in your computer being at risk of being infected by viruses. What’s more, you’ll also get a browser alert saying “ wants to show notifications” because the…

Remove notifications is a scam website that displays a fake security alert and tries to trick users into allowing ads on the desktop. The fake alert claims that your computer has suffered a DDoS attack and is now infected with viruses. The site also wants to spam ads on your desktop. It tries to do that by misusing a legitimate browser…

Remove notifications displays a fake virus alert that falsely claims your device is infected with 5 viruses. In addition to that, the site also tries to trick you into allowing ads on the desktop. It does that by misusing a legitimate browser feature that allows sites with permission to show notifications on users’ desktops. Your browser will show you a “…

Remove notifications is a deceptive scam website that misuses a legitimate browser feature to trick users into allowing ads on the desktop. When you get redirected to the site, you will immediately get a browser alert saying “ wants to show notifications”. If you click “Allow”, the site will be permitted to show ads on your desktop. This is not only…

Remove notifications is a deceptive website that displays fake virus alerts and tries to trick users into allowing ads on the desktop. Users usually get redirected to it when browsing ad-heavy sites, and once on the site, they will get a browser alert saying “ wants to show notifications”. If users click “Allow”, they will start getting ads on the desktop.…

Remove notifications is a generic scam website that tries to trick users into allowing ads on the desktop. When you get redirected to the site, you will immediately get a browser alert saying “ wants to show notifications”, and if you click “Allow”, the site will show ads on the desktop. These ads could expose users to potentially dangerous content, including…

Remove notifications is a deceptive website that aims to trick users into allowing ads on the desktop. To do that, it misuses a legitimate browser feature that allows sites to request permission to show notifications. Because is a deceptive website, its displayed notifications will be ads if you click “Allow” on the “ wants to show notifications” alert. These ads will…